The four-litre bag in box concept offers a smart alternative to rigid plastic bottles and is highly eco-friendly as well as being much easier to store and use.
The Lube Cubes have a 100 per cent recyclable corrugated cardboard outer and a 98 per cent recyclable inner, reducing environmental impact while also significantly reducing disposal costs.
A small, perforated hole is created at the top of the box, from which a spout appears. The box can then be easily tilted and the lubricant pours out.
As the Lube Cubes are rectangular, they are easy to stack, reducing the amount of storage space required. In fact, 60 per cent more units can fit on one standard pallet.
The Lube Cube offers a controlled anti-glug pour and has a collapsing inner bag, ensuring maximum drainage of the product without air ingress, resulting in minimum waste and spills.
Comp 4 10W-40 XP
Formulated to meet the needs of both air and water-cooled 4-stroke engines, Comp 4 10W40 XP is the recommended SAE grade for many motorcycle manufacturers.
During the development of XP, an extensive development program was conducted, new formulations rigorously tried and tested and compared with reputable competitor products in the same type engines. This research showed us what gave the best improvements across a range of requirements and led to the launch of our new and improved range of motorcycle engine oils utilising XP Technology.
Silkolene Comp4 Synthetic Lube Cube 10w40 4L